

 2018/3/15    通译翻译|同声传译


    相信接触过口译的选手应该都对视译不是很陌生吧,视译(Sight Translation)视译的全称是“视阅口译”,通过阅读的方式接收源语信息,以口头方式不间断传出信息的口译方式。这是同声传译中最常见的训练方法,目的是为训练译员两种语言的快速转换能力。在同传时,有时候译员会拿到发言稿因此,视译需要注意以下两点:

      1. 翻译前要快速阅读句子,了解句子大意的同时按照意群划分句子。

      2. 开口翻译时使用顺句驱动的翻译方法,也就是按照句子本来的顺序翻译,尽量不要调整句子顺序。

      3. 最重要的一点,大家的视译时尽量不要停顿,保持语流的顺畅,这样才能有效地为之后的同声传译做准备。


Republican presidential hopefuls in the United States face a key contest shortly in Nevada. The frontrunner Donald Trump is seeking to extend his lead over his four remaining rivals. Nevada with its substantial Hispanic population has taken an extra significance in a contest marked by anti-immigration rhetoric.
The UN has warned the closure of borders to migrants trying to reach northern Europe has caused chaos and confusion leaving thousands stranded in Greece. In recent days, Slovenia, Macedonia and Austria have all imposed restrictions. Speaking on a visit to the Greek island of Lesbos, the Head of the UN Refugee Agency Filippo Grandi urged countries to let migrants pass through. “Really, I find that to close the border to manage them very tightly, let's put it that way, in the absence of legal alternatives of safe alternatives for refugees will increase chaos, and most likely, will increase irregular movements that put people at risk and create disorder in the countries that receive migrants and refugees.”