

 2016/9/14    通译翻译|同声传译




1. 录音一开始不要着急从第一个字就开始记笔记,要注意听辨文章的大意。
2. 笔记也要在听懂这句话的情况下再去动笔记。
3. 记笔记的都是注意不要想把听到的每一个记下来,我们的笔记中记的是一些重要的信息,比如说一句话中的主语谓语和宾语。
4. 在听的时候大脑也要分配出一部分的精力在进行信息的记忆,注意力不要全部放在笔记上。
5. 最后将笔记进行整合,用最简介的话介绍文章大意和主要信息点。






    University graduates hoping to get a job as an investment banker in London could be disappointed if they wear brown shoes to their job interview. A new report highlights how the investment banking industry in the UK follows centuries-old, unwritten rules about how bankers should conduct themselves. The study was undertaken by the British government's Social Mobility Commission. Researchers looked at how the industry selected people in job interviews. They found that the industry was governed by 'relatively opaque' codes of conduct. They wrote: 'For men, the wearing of brown shoes with a business suit is generally considered unacceptable…within investment banking.'
    The survey suggested that people from working class backgrounds had to change their behaviour to fit in with bankers who were from middle and upper classes. One newly-appointed banker said: 'I felt like my accent was a bit out of place, so I changed it.' The study also said the industry discriminated against those who did not go to elite universities. The Commission's chairman said: 'Bright, working-class kids are being systematically locked out of top jobs in investment banking because they did not attend a small handful of elite universities.' He added: 'It is shocking…that some investment bank managers still judge candidates on whether they wear brown shoes with a suit, rather than on their skills and potential.'

    一份报告显示,穿棕色鞋子可能会影响到工作面试的效果。据研究调查发现,在英国的投资银行业有一些传统但是不成文的规定,比如说穿棕色鞋子配西装在投行中是不被接受的。因此,这份调查鼓励那些来自中上层阶级并有意加入投行的面试者改变自己的行为习惯以适应此行业。 同时,投资银行业还有一些其他的“歧视”,比如歧视非精英大学毕业的面试者。
