

 2016/2/26    通译翻译|同声传译






B:We have already got very strong support from international society, technology in particular. Domestically, we have realized that it is important for the public to pay attention to HIV and remain on alert. Therefore, strengthening health education and standardizing daily behavior are two main methods to prevent HIV infection.
A: 在提高民众意识、保持对艾滋病的警惕方面,尤其是农村地区,政府采取了什么措施呢?您认为解决这个问题的其他必要措施是什么?
B:First of all, the government departments should improve our monitoring system. Second, NGOs should utilize all possible resources to help the public, especially those in rural areas. They should understand the severe consequences of HIV and the ways to prevent it. In my opinion, we should conduct more propaganda work.