

 2012/6/12    通译翻译|同声传译

The use of an architectural style cannot be said to start or finish on a specific date. Neither is it possible to say exactly what characterizes a particular movement. But the origins of what are now generally known as modern architecture can be traced back to the social and technological changes of the 18th and 19th centuries. Instead of using timber, stone and traditional building techniques, architects began to explore ways of creating buildings by using the latest technology and materials such as steel, glass and concrete strengthened steel bars, known as reinforced concrete. Technological advances also helped bring about the decline of rural industries and an increase in urban populations as people moved to the towns to work in the new factories. Such rapid and uncontrolled growth helped to turn parts of cities into slums.

Unless otherwise determined by the company in a general meeting or a resolution by written means, any original shares for the time being unissued and not allotted and any new shares from time to be created shall, before they are issued, be offered to the Member in proportion as nearly as possible, to the number of shares held by them. The offer shall be made by notice specifying the number of shares offered, and time limit within which the offer, if not accepted, will be deemed to be declined, and after the expiration of such time or on the receipt of an intimation from the person to whom the offer is made that the declines to accept the shares offered, the Directors may, subject to these Articles, dispose of the same in such manner as they think most beneficial to the Company. The Directors may, in like manner dispose of any such new or original shares as stated above, which, by reason of the proportion borne by them to the number of persons entitled to such offer as stated above or by reason of any other difficulty in apportioning the same, cannot in the opinion of the Directors, be conveniently offered under this Article.






上世纪50年代以来我国各大城市都扩大了6倍以上[1],戴昌达等[2]使用Landsat/TM图象研究了1984~1992年北京的城市扩展变化。人类的城市活动改变了局部气候,使得生态环境恶化。19世纪初期气候学家发现了城市热岛(Urban Heat Island,UHI)现象[3]。UHI与城市的规模密切相关,是城市气候的主要特征之一,是城市化对气候影响的最典型的表现,是由下垫面状况、城市人口密度、地理位置、气候等多种因素综合作用的结果。